07 april 2010

The Silvery Moon

av Megan och Felix (klasskompis)

The Silvery Moon

Slowly, silently the shining moon walks
Into the glittering sky.
Lighting up the Earth with its beautiful light.
Very carefully she rises up and down in the
Endless night sky.
Round the fantastic Earth she glides.
Yelling she doesen't do, silent she is.

Moon has many friends; stars, comets and
Other spacey things.
On the way she visits us with a big smile.
Night and day she shines with different signs and

Fint va´? Mamma blev i alla fall lite impad!

Later, Mariette

2 kommentarer:

mormor sa...

Jätte vackert Megan,vad duktig du är.Kram/mormor

Mariette och Mats Wendel sa...

Tack mormor! /Megan

Familjen Wendel

Familjen Wendel
på Farmers' Market, downtown St. Paul